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The original Frankenstein from 1931 starring Boris Karloff will be followed by the 1940 sci-fi The Devil Bat starring Bela Lugosi. 

Want to make sure these movies are appropriate for you or your family? We highly recommend reviewing the title on Common Sense Media.

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The original Frankenstein from 1931 starring Boris Karloff will be followed by the 1940 sci-fi The Devil Bat starring Bela Lugosi. 

Want to make sure these movies are appropriate for you or your family? We highly recommend reviewing the title on Common Sense Media.

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The original Frankenstein from 1931 starring Boris Karloff will be followed by the 1940 sci-fi The Devil Bat starring Bela Lugosi. 

Want to make sure these movies are appropriate for you or your family? We highly recommend reviewing the title on Common Sense Media.

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